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the hormone connection
"I can't lose weight because of my hormones!"
Sound familiar?
Find our how you can influence your hormones for weight-loss!!
Find out if your'e drinking enough of the good stuff...
You know I'm not talking about gin and tonic right?
commitment vs
Do you know the difference?
Find out which one you really need if you want to reach your goals. Spoiler alert - it might not be what you think...
angelic carbs
Find out all about these heavenly carbs, how my clients and I scoff truck loads of them to lose weight, and how you can too!
How do we gain so much weight?
Ever wanted to know why we gain so much weight so quickly and easily? Click on the donut for so life changing revelations!
The Food Diary
Seems like a big fat pain in the neck, but writing a consistent Food Diary is a sure-fire way to success. Find out more about how it can help you shed those pounds!
sweet misery
The dreaded sweet tooth!
Sorry people, there is no easy way to tell you but your body can't tell the difference between bread and sugar! It's all processed the same way - oh no! Read on to get the low down & off the rollercoaster.
A calorie is a calorie is a calorie
or is it?
Did you know not all calories are created equal? Are you getting top-notch nutrition? Have a read and find out...
unhelpful carbs
Why do processed carbs make our fat cells get so damn big? This might change the way you do your next grocery shop!
Don't say I didn't warn you.....